If you notice something different about APOC's roofing and waterproofing products as you stock them this spring, it's not your eyes playing tricks. 

According to a statement released by the company, all of its product lines will undergo an exterior makeover with the goal of delivering a more uniform experience to customers, calling attention to features and benefits while minimizing confusion.

Newly designed front panels with large product numbers and simplified descriptions should make APOC-branded items easily distinguishable from competitors — and one another — on the shelves. The brand’s iconic black and yellow header and new “professional protection” tagline appear front and center above the product application and background imagery.

When applicable, the company will include large warranty badges paired with consistent iconography use. This will help customers find the right products for specific applications at a glance. QR Codes have also been added, immediately redirecting contractors to in-depth product information, including videos, tech data sheets and more.

“We’ve focused on making our packaging easier for our customers to identify the right products for their applications,” said Krista Steiger, senior channel marketing manager at ICP Group, the parent company of APOC. “Uniformity in how product numbers, warranty information and more [will] appear across all APOC lines.”

Steiger added that the updates would promote knowing what accessory items to use with specific coatings. 

“We’ve worked hard to make these lines of compatible products easily identifiable through color-coding to help eliminate confusion at the time of purchase,” she said. “As well as errors in application when used on the job.”

The company statement noted that, when revamping the packaging, the team made the label components more recognizable and focused on educating applicators. All featured graphics now include corresponding Spanish translations, and the color and number of coats required for each product to perform are easily accessible.

Our customers shared their pain points and we listened,” Steiger said. “We’re excited for the impact this updated packaging will have on the lives and businesses of those who put their trust in APOC product lines.”

For more information about APOC products, visit apoc.com.